IEEE CIS TC ICDL-Epirob Conference

Aim and scope

The objective of this task force is to call for candidates for the organization of future ICDL-Epirob conferences, help in the building of strong applications, in particular:

  • to help proposers/candidate organizers build a solid proposal that meets the spirit of ICDL-Epirob, with a focus on developmental scientific issues within an interdisciplinary perspective
  • to prepare the discussion to be held at the CDS TC meetings allowing an efficient vote/selection of who will organize the next editions, and to propose this selected candidates to IEEE CIS
  • make explicit some rules/principles of organization for organizers (possibly preparing such rules to be voted at TC meetings)

TF Chair

Jochen Triesch
Johanna Quandt Research Professor for Theoretical Life Sciences
Senior Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies

TF members

Minoru Asada
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka University
Osaka, Japan

Andy Barto
Autonomous Learning Laboratory
College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, US

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Flowers Lab
Inria, France

Chen Yu
Department of psychological and brain sciences
Univ. Indiana, US