First interdisciplinary symposium on Information-seeking, curiosity and attention (Neurocuriosity 2014)
Date and Location
6-7 Nov. 2014, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France
The past few years have seen a surge of interest in the mechanisms of active learning, curiosity and information seeking, and this body work has highlighted a number of highly significant questions regarding higher cognition and its development (for a recent review, see Tics13). One question is how subjects explore to build explanatory models of their environment, and how these models further constrain the sampling of additional information. A related question is how the brain generates the intrinsic motivation to seek information when physical rewards are absent or unknown, and how this impacts cognitive development in the long term. Our goal is to stimulate discussion on these and related topics and foster further research in this nascent and complex field.dfj
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (Inria, Bordeaux, France)
Jacqueline Gottlieb (Columbia University, NY, USA
Manuel Lopes (Inria, Bordeaux, France)
This workshop was partially funded by Inria Associated Team Neurocuriosity grant, and ERC Explorers 240007 grant.
Video Presentations and slides
Exploration in Active Tasks
Michael Frank, Brown University, US
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Probing for informativeness on latent states during reinforcement learning
Sam Gershman, MIT, US
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Novelty and inductive generalization in human reinforcement learning
Kevin Gurney, Univ. Sheffield, UK
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Computational models of action discovery in animals
Jacqueline Gottlieb, Columbia University, NY, USA
co-author: Manuel Lopes, Inria, Bordeaux, France
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Parietal neurons identify informative steps in sequential actions
Curiosity in development
Teodora Gliga, Birbeck College, London
co-authors: Katarina Begus and Victoria Southgate
Go to abstract, video and slides:
The ontogeny of human curiosity: a few baby steps
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Inria, Bordeaux, France
co-author: Linda Smith, Univ. Indiana, US
Go to abstract, video and slides:
The impact of curiosity-driven learning on self-organization of developmental process: robotic models
Celeste Kidd, University of Rochester, US
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Rational approaches to learning and development
Gert Westermann, Univ. Lancaster, UK
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Some thoughts on curiosity in infants and neural network models
Laura Schulz, MIT, USA
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Curiosity, intrinsic motivation and learning
Information theory and active learning in machine learning
Manuel Lopes, Inria Flowers, France
Go to abstract, video and slides:
An overview of active learning approaches in machine learning
Jochen Triesch, Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Germany
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Active efficient coding
Friederich Sommer, UC Berkeley, US
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Information-theory based policies for exploratory learning in closed sensori-motor loops
Seeking useless information in animals and humans
Axel Kacelnik, University of Oxford, UK
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Truthful information can induce irrational choice, but only when it cannot be used
Jacqueline Gottlieb, Columbia University, NY, USA
Go to abstract, video and slides:
Sampling useless information: promises and challenges in current research
We thank Olivier Mangin and Thibault Munzer for the video recording and editing work.